We have recently changed our eating habits ... we are not dieting but I am making a major effort to be aware of what we (as a family) are putting into our bodies! My goal to eat good homemade no preservatives natural blahityblahityblah food had fallen to the bottom of the list of make sure that everyone is clothed and alive and the dishes aren't too bad, etc. And to be honest we were eating like SHIT! boxed foods and frying crap... and there has been some health side effects so we are now eating locally grown fruits and veggies (from the Dallas Farmer's Market which is killer awesome if you've never been) and LOTS of fish!!! LIKE LOTS OF FISH!!! its a lot of effort to try to get everyone fed before work on my lunch and then after work but in the long run our health is a priority!
On a less serious note... LAUNDRY! Holy crap if it seems like I am always talking about laundry its because it is a HUGE part of my life... it NEVER ENDS!!!
So we've switched from ALL Free and Clear to homemade laundry detergent (the Duggar's recipe found here: http://www.duggarfamily.com/content/duggar_recipes/30456/Powdered%20Laundry%20Detergent%20-%20Top%20load%20machine) and its been great it works awesome and we've not noticed a different except in the wallet ;) .
Also I've been meaning to blog about "sunning" ... if you are at all "green" and read crap on the internet you probably have heard this term. I LOVE SUNNING!!! I do NOT use spot/stain removers! They are expensive and unnecessary chemicals. This is pretty easy for me as I already line dry but basically you stick the stain out in the sun and let the sun bleach it out:
^ a lovely carrot stain... GONE!
^ husband's nasty socks... FIXED!
you have to leave it out for longer then you would if you were just drying it but its worth it! especially here in Texas were the sun never ends!
I did recently run into a stain that did NOT sun out (besides grease but dawn will get that ;) ) and it was baby curry poop on my diaper inserts! G.R.O.S.S! I asked on a green parenting board and lemon juice was suggested! I juiced a couple lemons and poured it on after the wash and set out in the sun (I have no idea if this is the "proper" way) but after a few hours it was GONE! (I figured you didn't want to see shit stain pictures ;) ).
Anyway all in all life continues as normal ... I will try to update more often as everything settles down!