Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Poe Wovens Herringbone Lake Ring Sling Review

I've never owned or used a herringbone wrap and when I opened this traveler it was not what u was expecting! It was strong and solid in hand and had a bit of give to it. 

After a wash and dry I found it to be way more supportive in a ring sling then I was prepared for! My son is tittering on the 40lb line and to be quite frank I wasn't expecting much from a ring sling. But it was solid and supportive and hugged my son's booty in the sling with an amazing floppiness that I didn't expect from the feel in hand. 

The pleats are beautiful and well thought out. 

We are not fancy people but I feel this could really be worn dressed up or our usual casualness. Yes it's blue, yes I hate blue, but there's something really beautiful about the contrast of the weave that I find really appealing even despite the color itself. 

This wrap really shines as a ring sling for heavier babies, toddlers, and on into the preschool years. Its also soft enough that it would make a good ring sling for a younger baby, so a great long term wearing investment. 

(Disclaimer: I wore and loved this ring sling for a solid two weeks but my main wearee is on an anti-babywearing photo kick so the pictures are of my middle baby who loves having his picture taken.)