Sunday, February 1, 2015

Why my toddler is covered in chocolate syrup and has no shoes on...

As you see the look of exhausted on my face and your eyes wonder to my beautiful yet very messy children (maybe dressed a little to eccentrically for your personal taste... You know lime green and yellow polka dots ARE A BIT MUCH *with* a striped shirt!!!) ... OMG THAT BABY DOESNT HAVE SHOES ON! 

Do you know it's 50 degrees outside he's going to catch a cold! (not to mention he's covered in what looks like chocolate syrup ... It is ok?) You judge me. A few of you out loud to me (and I'm sure many more in private). So let me tell you: 

Today my over stimulated, over tired, precious lovely toddler (almost 3) decided instead of falling asleep at nap time he was going to sneak into the kitchen... Into the fridge where some poor soul left the chocolate syrup in the door and proceeded to attempt to chug it and you know get chocolate wasted like all the cool kids. Only to realize it's gross and then spill it all over the floor and couch and chair and himself. It was attempted to be cleaned off him but at some moments you have to choose your battles and well the clean up job wasn't perfect. 

We were going to just avoid the world the rest of the day and it came to my attention that someone (OMG me!) didn't actually defrost anything for dinner... And then it starts!!! 

My toddler HATES THE ACT OF DRESSING! Dressing... Undressing... Pointing out there are clothes available to wear. H.A.T.E. There is screaming and crying and all the sadness! I spend countless hours a week explaining that one must cover one's penis to leave the house. So 30 minutes into it HE HAS A SHIRT AND PANTS ON OK?!?!? You think I'm going to try for shoes?!?! If there's one thing he hates more then dressing it's shoes! But let's be honest so do I if it was socially acceptable I wouldn't wear that shit either kid! Rock it while you can! 

So here we are wondering aimlessly around the store in search of food... So keep YOUR EYES AND COMMENTS TO YOURSELF! My children are loved and happy and hopefully soon fed. Or you know maybe I'll just throw donuts at them and call a night. But really is that any of your business? Nope, no. Go away! 

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